Want to invest? Reach out at: info@dropahouse.com

The House

The House

Three years ago we, Christel, Koen and Katrijn, had a once in lifetime opportunity to acquire an exceptional property, where we could not only establish our homes, but where we could also create a center for adventurous music.

Next to a place for the  Sound in Motion operation there’s also facilities for passing and resident artists being developed such as a recording studio, a gallery, an office and post-production, residence, accommodation, storage and meeting spaces. Musicians, performers, artists, free spirits, creative companies and those looking for added value can work, research, create and meet there in a professional manner.

In this way, Dropa House gives adventurous music a much-needed physical place in the social fabric of the neighbourhood, the municipality and the city. It is becoming increasingly apparent that the need for such places is very big among artists.

“You could perhaps call it a scene, maybe even a safe haven for some. A playground for restless adventurers. Whatever it is, it gets the best out of people, and that's something you wanna be part of.”
Guy Peeters

This observation from the Sound in Motion operation in addition to the five-year recognition/support within the Arts Decree of the Flemish community for Sound in Motion, since January 2023, strengthened our conviction that this is the right way to go for the future and to further support so many artists who are active in the adventurous music world.

Though we are close, to fully realize our plans, we need your help. To complete the construction and renovation of our 400 m² space and to ensure sustainable operation, we need additional financial resources.

Would you like to invest in a safe way and make a financial contribution to this sustainable project or would you like to be part of the Dropa House community? Then be sure to read on.

And by the way, you don’t have to invest huge amounts. Every little bit helps.